Friday, February 5, 2010

Moving from Baylor to Children's Medical Center

I met Jolianne for the first time on September 30. One day after she was born.
Before they took her to Children's Medical Center they brought her down to me to say good-bye.

Once she got to CMC they got her upstairs to the 3rd floor and had to redo all of her wires and tubes.

This is Jolianne's new room. The nurses called the bed she is sleeping in the Cadilliac. The doctors would call it the box. This is where she would spend most of her time growing big and strong for her surgery in November.

1 comment:

Crystal M. said...

I remember the days of Alex being in the "box" and seeing you saying goodbye to her when they moved her reminded me of when I had to say goodbye to Alex when they moved him.
Bless their hearts.
Prayers and hugs for all,